Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hi everyone! This is a bit of a test run before I leave but feel free to read anyway...

Well obviously I haven't quite left yet but I decided that my first blog could be about my journey to Chicago to pick up my VISA, since that is what allows me to stay in Spain for my semester.

Mel, Maddie, Carol and I left early in the morning on Tuesday to get to Chicago and pick up my VISA at the Spanish Consulate. We made it all the way down with only one pit stop for gas, food and bathroom! Picking up the VISA took about 10 minutes all I had to do was wait my turn and ask to pick it up, much easier than applying (right mom).

After admiring my VISA while on the way down the elevator we decided to visit the Chicago Culture Center to visit the art displays and check out the amazing architecture. Next stop was Millennium Park to see the giant mirror Jelly Bean! Tons of pictures and laughs later we walked through the rest of central park to the Buckingham Fountain near the bay. There we took a break to cool off before walking back to the car to begin the ride home. We only got "lost" once on the way home... slight detour no big deal since we had amazing CDs to listen to the whole way!

Thanks for coming with Mel, Carol and Maddie!