Thursday, November 5, 2009


My day trip to Manchester was fantastic. It was easy to get to and easy to find my way around. I stopped in the tourist information and told them I had a day to spend in Manchester and like 10 minutes later I was on my way with a map with the top attractions marked on the map.

First stop was the Manchester Art Gallery it was one of the more fun art galleries I have been to. It had a floor dedicated to more interactive displays of art and such. I of course checked out mainly that floor. I made my own stained glass art with a light display and pieces of plastic so the colors would shine through. I don’t think that I would make it as an artist... but it was fun nonetheless. Some of the displays were also musical which makes them super fun of course. There was one that looked like waves with fish jumping out that played music kinda like a music box. It was much more fun to be able to touch and move and play with all the displays.
Next stop and a must see was the John Ryland Library. This library was filled with old books of all sorts and other great stuff, like hieroglyphics, and a super old fragment from a bible, old printing presses, and lots of great books like a 1st edition of Darwin’s Origin of a Species. The building architecture was also amazing and something to be admired. I wouldn’t mind spending time just sitting and reading in that library! There was also history about how and why it was built which was all super interesting to me but I won’t bore you with the details 

After that the next closest building was the Manchester Cathedral. I am pretty sure I have seen more Cathedrals in Europe than ever before but they are always such amazing buildings with great art and architecture! This one was also wonderful because when I walked in there was a piano recital that I was able to listen to while I began exploring. I also met a man that told me where to find all sorts of info about the Cathedral. There was a really cool stained glass window that kinda looked like fire and also the angel stone. Which is just what is says a stone with an angel kinda sketched into it… I can’t remember the history of the stone but it was cool.

Nearby the Cathedral was the Chetham’s School of Music. Which I walked past and then happened to run into the same man from the Cathedral who started telling me how wonderful it was and that I should go in and check out the library and that it was free etc… He was really friendly and helpful but it was kinda funny that I ran into him twice (at least I think so). So I went in to see the library which is actually the only thing you are allowed to see which kinda made me sad cause I would have loved to just explore and hear all the music! I was slightly depressed for like 2 minutes when I saw like 10 year olds getting ready for a rehearsal, cause the school only accepts like 200 amazing musicians and these kids seriously could not have been older than 10. Anyway, the library was cool but nothing amazing. I was expecting a huge music library but actually the library is known for its collection of books of Jonah. Basically just more super old books!

Next stop was the Chinese Arts and Culture Center which was slightly disappointing. But on the way I passed Urbis which is actually I think a huge shopping mall but I didn’t stop to find out. There also was some cool modern art in just outside that I took a picture of. Anyway, the Chinese Arts and Culture Center seemed to be in the middle of a remodeling so the art was covered and it was small anyway so I didn’t really spend too much time there.

Next and last stop was the Manchester United Football stadium (p.s. football=soccer), which is actually a little outside of the city so I had to get on the metro to get there which was no problem because by now I am practically a pro at public transportation. The stadium was AMAZING and HUGE! I love how in Europe soccer is such a big thing. I took a tour of the stadium and got to sit in the seats where the players sit and I got to see the dressing rooms which all the jerseys and the family/interview/relaxation room. Then we got to walk out to the stadium the same way the players do with the music and everything which was fun. We couldn’t actually go on the field which was slightly disappointing but understandable since they had just planted new grass. I also toured the museum and saw all the trophies etc that they had won. They also had a plaque and wall dedicated to the tragedy that struck the team years earlier. A plane that was carrying the team crashed and about half of the team and many of the other passengers were killed. It was really devastating and sad. Overall, the visit was cheerful and really cool. I can’t wait to see the Valencia stadium, sometime this month I am pretty sure I get a tour and such! It’s going to be great!

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