Monday, December 7, 2009


Hello readers of my blog… if there are any of you left out there. I apologize for being so terrible at keeping up. I am about a month behind or more! But better late than never, hopefully you agree.

So first a quick update, things are crazy here. I can’t believe the time has gone so quickly it feels like the time has been going twice what it normally would. I have been engulfed in projects, papers, presentation and my soon to come finals! Plus some traveling and other fun experiences :)

Anyway, so I left off in Barcelona when my parents and grandma came to visit me. I think I can speak safely for all of us when I say that we had a great time even though we were only there for a day and a half. Friday night was a chill night because by the time we all met at the hotel it was basically time for supper and bed, especially for the grandma, mom and dad who had been traveling all day in planes and car. I will share though whether my parents like it or not, that they were more or less driving around Barcelona lost for I think nearly 5 hours trying to find out hotel. To illustrate my point we basically arrived at the hotel at about the same time but my flight didn’t get in until at least 5 hours later. So now I think we all know that it is genetics that gave me my bad sense of direction! Back to Friday night though, I can’t express in words how great it was to see some familiar faces which makes me really excited to come back home and see so many familiar faces! As I mentioned we basically just went to eat which was great because the family got to experience Sangria, a Spanish specialty that is delicious. For those who may not know it is wine that is mixed with some different fruit juices. Sounds simple and maybe it is I don’t know but it is really delicious! After dinner it was back to the hotel for a good night’s rest for all of us because we had an early morning.

Saturday, our only full day in Barcelona was busy one. We started the day with a tour to Montserrat, a pilgrimage sight in the mountains just outside of Barcelona. We had a great tour guide who spoke at least 3 different languages but for us only Spanish and English. Montserrat was about an hour bus drive away but for the entire hour there and back we were listening and learning while watching out the window as Barcelona passed us by. When we got there we were guided to the Monastery where it is tradition to touch the hand of the virgin of Montserrat. There also was a museum that we didn’t have time to enter and other things to see like statues and art. The view was also amazing seeing as we were in the mountains. One funny thing happened that I recall… I asked a lady to take a picture of the four of us and she complimented me on my English. So I guess I haven’t forgotten all my English yet!
After our tour we had lunch and then hit the town. We walked down the Rambla which is a street of small touristy shops and people standing all dressed and painted to the statue of Christopher Columbus because that was more or less my parents focal point as they attempted to navigate the streets of Barcelona and then we took the metro to the Palacio which is next to the Olympic grounds from 1992. We walked around the Olympic grounds; saw the different building where event were held and the spire that was the Olympic flame. Oh and I have to mention because it was beautiful that we were there at sunset so I think the pictures are pretty awesome! Then we headed to the Magic Fountain show, which was impressive. The water pressure and light of the fountain were programmed to change and such to with music and stuff. It is hard to explain. Hopefully the picture will help. After that we went back to the hotel for bed.

Sunday morning we woke up and packed and then left for church at the Catedral de la Sagrada Familia (the Cathedral of the Sacred Family). I could understand most of what was going on but I am sure everyone else was a little lost. (The mass was in Spanish).It is a really an impressive building. The outside depicts scenes from the bible and the inside which is still under construction and has been for like years and years and years. It is a must see for anyone who want to do some traveling! After that we had to check out of our hotel and we commenced our drive to Valencia. Which was actually quite easy... just one highway. Even I didn’t get us lost!
Hope you enjoyed this one. Hopefully I will be able to get a few more blogs up before I come home!

Hope you all are well and I am excited to see you soon!
p.s. sorry for all the rambling I am kinda tired…

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