Thursday, October 22, 2009

I kissed the stone and I liked it...

While visiting Cork my friends and I took a day trip to Blarney to visit Blarney Castle and do one of those stereotypical Ireland tourist things... Kiss the Blarney Stone. It was the perfect day for it too. The sun was shining and it was cool but not cold. It was like one of those golden days in fall that all you want to do is walk outside in the beautiful weather before winter sets in. Well luckily that is what we got to do.

We arrived in Blarney after a 45ish minute bus ride which was really cramped. My friends and I were standing and squished. It was really uncomfortable. The bus was always stopping and starting at the bus stops and stoplights so we were constantly being thrown backward and forward and to the side with every change in directions. Kirsten almost ended up sitting in this old mans lap! Luckily I caught her decided to be her seat belt until the man left and she took his seat. It was an uncomfortable but nonetheless interesting and funny ride.

Blarney is a really pretty place. For those of you who haven't seen it I would recommend it. It is hard to explain (like everything) but I think it was especially appealing to me because it was the most green I had been close to in like a month and a half! The stream, fields, flowers, waterfalls, trees, rocks, and castle were all beautiful.

Climbing Blarney Castle wasn't too bad for me. It was one of my not so clumsy days thankfully :) We started the climb and would take breaks to see rooms that came off of the stairway. When we got back on the stairs I would go out first and then let the girls pass me just that way if one fell I could catch them. The higher we got the narrower and smaller the stairs and passageway became. There were more than a couple times when I felt like I had to watch my head. But we made it no problem.

Next step kiss the stone. For those of you who don't know the blarney stone is said to bestow upon the kisser the gift of eloquence also known as the gift of gab. It also is located in the upper wall of the castle. So in order to kiss it you have to lay down on your back, scoot out, lean your head back and kiss it. There are two people there one to take a picture that you can later buy and the other to hold you so you don't fall. There also are handlebars to hold on to when leaning back your head to kiss the stone (a crucial part if you want to minimize your chances of falling).

Well my friends went first and I didn't think it looked to bad. But from there perspective it was terrifying simply because if you are shorter you are scooting out a little farther so your butt (I guess) may leave the castle floor. When it was my turn I was so ready to pucker up to that stone. Well I laid down, leaned back and in my excitement didn't even think about grabbing the handle bars (which if you recall minimizes your chances of falling) until the man helping was saying rather forcefully to grab the handlebars... so I did and I kissed it and later when we looked at our photos that they took I saw that I had a huge dorky smile when coming back up. LOL

After kissing the Blarney stone we walked around blarney for awhile and saw the caves and waterfalls and gardens etc. It was a great time. Oh and I found some play equipment... or at least that is what I used it for (see picture) Then it was time to explore the gift shop and head back.

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