Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ciudad de las artes y ciencias

Before getting to the real point of this blog I need to pause for just one second to brag... It is about 75 degrees here and sunny! Hope everyone isn't freezing back in WI!

Anyway, this weekend I stayed in Valencia to do some more site seeing in this wonderful city and because this Thursday I will be leaving for the UK (Dublin, Cork, Lancaster, Liverpool and Swansea maybe London too)!

Friday we didn't have classes. So in the morning there was a organized trip (field trip) to the biggest aquarium in all of Europe (Oceanografico). Which is part of the Ciudad de las artes y ciencias (City of the Arts and Sciences) and happens to be like 20 minutes from my house. Yes, it was fantastic! We started our Aquarium visit with the dolphin show which was amazing. Dolphins really are smart and rather incredible animals. I almost wanted to change my career path (almost). After the show we explored all the different aquariums and walked through the underwater tunnels to see all the sharks, stingrays, fish, coral, walrus, seals, penguins and everything else under the sea! I was so glad that my camera had an aquarium mode on it so I could get some pictures! The diversity of all the fish is was really amazing to me. There were just so many different kinds, the aquarium had exhibits from all over the world, the Arctic, Antarctic, Caribbean, Atlantic, Pacific it was amazing! They also had a wetlands exhibit which included birds, turtles and some freshwater fish. It smelled bad but was cool because you could get super close to the birds since you were walking in there cage.

Saturday afternoon I went back to the City of the Arts and Sciences to check out the Museo de las Ciencias Principe Felipe (Science Museum) and the free gardens. The Science museum was so cool! It had really interesting science experiments that were interactive so you could actually try it them out which was amazing. I learned more about sound, the human body, space, natural science, global warming, and tons more. One exhibit that was super mega guay (super mega cool) was the Marvel Super Hero science exhibition. I decided that I wanted to take my future classes one field trips here because it was so educational and fun! (Which means I will not be a dolphin trainer after all) If anyone is planning on traveling to Spain this was great (a must see... especially for kids) and most of the exhibits were in English too :)

There are 2 more buildings that are part of the city of arts and sciences that I have left to explore. One is a Palace of Music which I am hoping to attend a concert in and the other is like a planetarium and IMAX theater!

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