Monday, September 21, 2009

Life in Valencia

Sorry to all my faithful blog followers for the lack of blogging… This blog is going to be about my life in Valencia.

Classes: As some of you may know I have 4 classes. I know I am going to learn a ton in all of them. My first class is Civilization and Culture of Spain. I am enjoying this class a lot. Professor Valle is really entertaining and we are learning about Spain in Spain and really it doesn’t get much better than that. (It helps that I enjoy history though.) I also am taking Latin American Civilization and Culture. This class has been interesting so far. Professor Jesús is really passionate about what he is teaching which is great but there are only 2 other students in the class which means I really need to know my stuff. This class also is at 5:20 pm… which I have decided is not the ideal time for learning. My other two classes are back-to-back with the same Prof… Profesora Mabel. First is a Spanish Cinema and literature class, which is interesting because we are watching Spanish movies while reading the texts they were based on to analyze them. I like it but the class is really demanding and also rather small (5 other students). My fourth class is Advanced Grammar and Composition. I am learning a ton in this class but I am also killing a ton of trees to do it. I must have made over 100 flashcards to learn the vocabulary and grammar so far! Overall I think it will be a challenging semester (but I will learn a ton!)

Other stuff to keep busy: Besides classes I have signed up for one club (soccer) and may be signing up for two more (theater and dances around the world) to keep myself busy plus a conversation partner and a practica… more to come on those since they haven’t really started yet! Quick story about the practica (which is similar to an internship), I received an email asking me to attend a meeting in profesora Mabel’s office. When I got there she started talking about the practica I was in… this came as a surprise to me since I didn’t attend the meeting and didn’t fill out the form. It starts next week we’ll see how it goes!

Random incident: Today someone stopped me on my way to school to ask me for directions. I am taking this as a sign that maybe I don’t look quite so out of place anymore! And I actually was able to give him concrete directions! Yay me!

Other stuff: I can tell I am adjusting to the weather here. It was about 70 degrees and I was seriously considering wearing pants because it was feeling kinda chilly out. Imagine when I get back to Wisconsin in December. I will be an icicle!!

For anyone who is interested my address is:
Bryant Scherer
Av. Del Puerto, 101, 29a
46022, Valencia España

Hope you all are well! Look for future blogs about my day trip to Segunto and the fútbol game I attended yesterday!

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