Monday, September 28, 2009

Take 1


I hope everyone who is reading this is well and if you aren't please read on because this should hopefully entertain you.

I think we have all seen movies where it is raining and someone is just trying to get home as quickly as possible huddled under their umbrella to keep dry and then a car drives past and umbrella is completely useless against the wave of water that soaks the poor person walking home.

Well guess what that was me today!

So today it is raining and has been all day (it is like 11pm right now) and when I left this morning I was prepared for the rain. I had my umbrella and my jacket and decent shoes that could get wet and still be ok. I made it to school just before it started raining so I was dry all day.


On my way home from school it was drizzling out slightly but earlier in the day it was really coming down creating some large puddles. One of these such puddles was right at the edge of the crosswalk that I needed to cross. I was smart and decided to stand back some while waiting. Cars drove past and I was still dry so I figured I was ok. Then right as the light was changing so I could walk a car trying to catch the light goes zooming past a little faster than all the rest had been. Need I finish this sad tail. Yes I was rather wet but on the bright side I had the presence of mind to turn around so that my bag (which had my computer in it) would be dry still.

I hope if nothing else that this brought a smile to your face! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Having a really crappy day and now I smiled...not at your expense but at the fact something that actually happens in movies happens in real life. Miss you and I hope you are doing well!
